The Isle of Mull, ScotlandWe are a family of four from the United Kingdom that love independent travel. More importantly we really believe that exposing our children to the world through travel may well be the best education we will ever give them. We want them to see different places, experience different cultures in multiple countries around the globe and we are sure that these experiences, no matter how long or short they may be, will stay with them well into their adult lives.

Our children are growing up every day. The time we have to travel with them while they are at an age where they can absorb all around them is getting shorter every day. We don't want to reach retirement age and look back with regret that we didn't do everything that we wanted to with them. That we never did take them to that place we always dreamed about. We want to travel with them. Short trips. Long trips. We want to spend that time with them learning about the world around them by engaging with it!!

Our Son in Thailand
Before we were a family unit we loved travel. In our younger days while single, we both travelled around the globe and when we met we travelled around the globe as a couple. Then we had children, and as most parents will agree that is a life changing event! Our travels plans were put on hold for a while, but only a little while.

UK Skyscanner 120 x 60 Before he was 2 years old our son was experiencing Northern Thailand, the east coast of Australia and Singapore. It was hard work, probably harder than both of us had imagined it would ever be. He would giggle in defiance at the perfectly planned night flights we booked thinking he would sleep until our destination. No chance! He would sleep on his terms. Usually at baggage collection, only to wake again when the adults required sleep! Jet lag took it's toll too, but was it all worth it? I mean he wouldn't ever remember the trip?

Of course it was!

While it's true he doesn't remember the trip now, everything he experienced on that trip has helped to shape the boy we have today. From the friendly Thai people, the pelican's that captured his imagination as they fed outside a Queensland fish shop and the street food that he loved so much on his plastic chair in Singapore. All of these experiences stuck with him for a long while after we returned to the UK.

Then we had our daughter, and with her the challenge of two children. We took it in turn to each travel solo for a while, leaving the children behind. It was good but not as rewarding. So when she reached an age where staying away from home became comfortable again the wanderlust in us returned, and in 2014 we started our travels as a family of four......

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